by Comité de Marketing | May 24, 2024 | Business Strategy and Evolution, Business Sustainability, CEO Training, Digital Transformation, Operational Excellence, ViewPoints
Two years ago, as a team, we decided to embark on our first epic experience where we chose to run “El Cruce,” a 100km race in Patagonia, Argentina. A year later, we were running Ultra Paine in Patagonia, Chile, and this year we are embarking again on the...
by Comité de Marketing | Aug 29, 2023 | Business Strategy and Evolution, CEO Training, Excelencia Operacional, Sustentabilidad de Negocios, Transformación Organizacional, ViewPoints
As internal functions, back-office tasks, whether payroll processing or purchase order issuance, face no competition: without a market, there’s no way to prove if they’re competitive or not. Outsourcing is only applicable under certain conditions and mainly for large...
by Comité de Marketing | Dec 6, 2021 | Business Strategy and Evolution, CEO Training, ViewPoints
Day by day in Chile and around the world, many companies and organizations wonder how to improve their results. They review again and again what their problem is and conclude—either on their own or with the help of their advisors—that the problem is a lack of an...